Fashion Designer
Kristina was born and grown up in Stepanakert. After the 2023 forced displacement from Artsakh, she settled in Yerevan. Kristina is a lawyer by profession, but even after long and desperate efforts in finding job, she did not get depressed. She decided to learn a new profession to overcome the difficulties and find a new occupation.
In Artsakh, she was self-taught in needlework. In Yerevan she decided to develop her skills and participated in number of trainings and courses in clothe modeling, sewing and needlework. Once she
was confident in her professional abilities, she decided to establish her own business. She sews tablecloths, napkins, kitchen towels, baby blankets, decorative pillows, and tote bags.
Kristina aims to share Armenian culture and types of needlework by embroidering tablecloths with Artsakh carpet patterns, as well as Marash and Urfa embroidery elements. Currently, she is planning
to learn embroidery to fulfill her dream. Emphasizing on creativity in her work, she uses new styles in modelling and explores different embroidery techniques, that reflect her personal approach. After
thoroughly researching the market, she created crafts, that are unique. She prefers only natural materials for her products: linen and cotton.
In the future, her goal is to establish a clothing factory and become a fashion designer. Within 3-5 years, she plans to produce women's clothing and is already working towards that goal by receiving
the appropriate education.
Like other people from Artsakh, Kristina stands out for her resilience, capability and strong will. These are features which will help her build her desired future and give us opportunity to be proud and happy for her achievements.