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Aida Santuryan


Aida was born and raised in Aleppo. Her parents are from Western Armenian province Marash by roots. Aida’s family shares the fate of hundreds of thousands miraculously saved compatriots, scattered all over the world. Aida’s grandmother vaguely remembered her childhood and youth, though amongst the horrible scenes of genocide she remembered the English missioners with gratitude. Their presence and compassion towards them let them think, that they were not alone and forgotten by the world and still there was hope for the future. They provided Armenians like Arika, Aida’s grandma, with benches and yarns for carpetmaking, and then bought the ready carpets. Arika developed her capacities and knowledge in carpetmaking and started to design new ornaments for carpets and taught them to others. She was also skilled in embroidery, which she taught Aida in the future.

In the beginning of the war in Syria, Aida’s husband left for Yerevan with two daughters, who were already students here. The horrors of war were becoming more and more threatening. So one day, in 2012 Aida for the last time closed the door of their home in Aleppo and came to Armenia to join the family, with indisputable determination not to ever go back.

Aida is a master in making different handicraft accessories, which are known for being exclusive and up-to-date. They are demanded as by the middle aged women, as well as by youth.

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